"Client Down!" The Mandalorian Chapter 7 The Reckoning

STAR WARS: THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 7: The Reckoning brings our story to a boiling point.

The Disney+ Star Wars series sees Mando goes to Greef, Cara goes to Navarro and IG-11 goes to physical therapy!  Plus is this the end of The Client?!?  Will Baby Yoda kills someone? And Oh My God, they killed Kuiily!

#StarWars #TheMandalorian #DisneyPlus

amp;nbsp;STAR WARS: THE MANDALORIAN Chapter 7: The Reckoning brings our story to a boiling point. The Disney+ Star Wars series sees Mando goes to Greef, Cara goes to Navarro and IG-11 goes to physical therapy!  Plus is this the end of The Client?!?  Will Baby Yoda kills someone?

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